When we’re young we’re often cocky, confident, proud, and ignorant.
And because we don’t know as much as we think we know, life punches us in the face when we’re least expecting it.
We realize that we need to lower our self image a bit and go learn about how life works.
The problem though, is that when we come out on the other side with knowledge and experience we don’t realize that being proud of what you’ve done and being confident in what you can do is extremely useful.
We mistake a lesson of humility for a definition of our self worth.
We don’t realize that those positive self images we had of ourselves when we were younger weren’t the problem. The problem was that they weren’t true.
We often try use our education to build a better life while being held down by the self doubt brought on by our past mistakes not realizing that the confidence we felt when we were young is a weapon to pick up again when you have the other tools of success within your reach.
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