“I reserve the right to do whatever I want.”
This is where you’re going wrong with your todo lists. you forgot to put the disclaimer at the top.
To do lists are really useful and you should make one. But a lot of people get extremely frustrated with to do lists and they can make you feel really defeated sometimes.
Have you ever written a list and proudly checked each item off of it throughout the day until there’s only one or two things left? and then watched those last items sit on your ugly to do list on your ugly desk for the next week filling you with guilt over how you’re so pathetic you can’t even finish a to do list?
Maybe you just don’t wanna do those things. It’s just a piece of paper, you can burn it if you want. We are the master of things. Things aren’t the master of us.
Don’t let your to do list rule you. It’s a tool, so use it. But never forget the disclaimer at the top of the page.
Watch the TikTok version below: