If you’ve sorted through a lot of your life but are now struggling with motivation, then you have to change what drives you.
When you’re struggling you can use pain to motivate yourself out of a bad situation, guilting yourself into action, and punishing yourself when you mess up.The incentives are aligned so it works, painful situation plus causing yourself pain.
But once you’ve hit a certain level of success it’ll stop working. Because when you achieve a comfortable level of survival, you’re no longer in a place of pain, but you’re still inflicting pain on yourself.
This is like pouring hot and cold water into the same cup. Your unconscious mind will look at your situation from a survival standpoint, see that your safe and healthy, and then sit down with stubbornness in response to the guilt that used to be so effective. Because why would it make sense to inflict pain on yourself to move from a good place to a better place? Your mind doesn’t see that as improvement. It just sees it as more pain.
So once you’ve hit that level of success your reasons for doing things have to become based on desire, not guilt or fear.
Practicing going after stuff you like is the key to being driven once fear and pain no longer work. There comes a point in every journey to success where you have to stop running away from your past and start running towards your future.
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