Imagine your life story is like a rubber band pulled tight. Your life story is everything about the way you are, how much money you make, how much you weigh, and what kind of friends you have.
And if you gain weight, or go into debt past what’s acceptable according to the story you believe about yourself. It’s like the rubber band has been pulled downwards and there’s an immense amount of upward tension that makes it relatively easy to have the motivation to pull your life together, lose the weight, get out of debt, and go back to the identity you believe makes sense for who you are.
But most people don’t realize that pushing upwards past that point where your reality matches your identity creates downward tension. This is where you might feel like you’re making more money than you deserve, or feel like an imposter in some way.
Moving in either direction against your identity creates tension. Even if you’re moving towards the things you desire. That tension only resolves when you change your story.
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