There’s an expression in the Navy Seals, “slow is smooth smooth is fast.”
The less experience we have investing the faster we want the growth and the less money we have in the portfolio the faster we believe we need to make it.
But that’s the exact opposite of any learning process.
A student begins by training slowly, no matter what skill the student is learning.
And if the student is willing to pull back from their instincts to rush, then they learn the necessary skills to move quickly. If they rush the basics, they usually end up learning more slowly.
The principles of learning that apply to martial arts have very little difference from the ones that apply to investing.
That’s why chasing a get rich quick scheme is dangerous, not because it won’t work. But because the skillsets to employ it have to be learned over time.
With patience, the compounding of your skillsets will result in faster compounding of your wealth.
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