
Look, I have multiple people telling me that this community is one of the most impactful groups they’ve been involved with. And I have a tendency to understate things.

So let’s just go with that.

People are joining, they like it, and it’s making a difference.

What is it?

It’s a community and ongoing workshop for people that want to make their lives better.

We focus on productivity, how to get things done, how to decide what to do, and how to do it better.

But that understates it to the point that even I think it’s ridiculous.

It’s about self improvement, and all of the complex ideas that come with its pursuit.

It’s a program I run that covers topics that help people break open their minds a bit, think differently, and get better results.

There are all types of people involved, but they’re mostly pretty awesome: business owners, artists, content creators, investors, web developers, and all sorts of other humans.

What they have in common is a mutual desire for self improvement and to see real life outcomes that reflect that improvement.

It’s a place where you can meet these cool people, work with them, work with me, get clarity, focus, accountability, and figure out what tiny step you need to take today to get a big result tomorrow, the next day, and the decade after that.

This is one of the main places I’m coaching and sharing my ideas now. I’d love to have you involved. Join if you feel so inclined.

If not, cool. It’s fine. But also, I dare you to give it a try.

Click The Button

If you want to know a bit more about it before signing up. Here’s what’s involved.

Every Monday at 7pm CST there’s a group Zoom call where I layout a concept, teach it, and then answer questions about it. I pick topics that I know spark questions and give people ideas on how to make progress in their lives.

Some topics we’ve covered in the past (which are all recorded and you’ll have access to):

  • The fundamentals of human development
  • Archetypes
  • How to reduce overwhelm
  • How to face your fears
  • Procrastination
  • Discipline VS Desire
  • Manifestation (yep, there are versions that make sense)
  • State change
  • The two fundamental frameworks of religion
  • The six human needs
  • The two basic motivators
  • Chaos & Order
  • How to be more creative
  • How to order your creativity so that you’re more productive but you don’t feel trapped by discipline
  • How to deal with failure
  • How to focus on what really matters

And much more.

I don’t stop, really.

I’ve been storing this stuff up for years and there’s a lot to talk about. And also, I really like helping people. So it works out pretty well for the everyone involved.

And sure, you can watch my content online instead if you want. I’m so glad you do.

But this is more in depth.

And we know that people who just watch stuff online often don’t make the changes they want to make. This creates a situation where you’re more likely to get up and do the work.

It’s a way to get your specific questions answered.

You can tag me in the chatrooms any time, I answer your questions on the calls, and coach on the calls as well.

And it’s a place to meet like-minded people.

For the people this works for, it really works. And it’s good to connect with others who are taking the same path of self development.

Not everyone chooses to take responsibility for their actions and make their life better. And for the ones who do it can be a lonely path.

A part of that is natural, as you set boundaries and create the life that works for you. But a part of it is avoidable.

And that’s the part where you can have other people, positive influences, who are also on their path, lift you up.

This group does that.

And there are aspects of discussion and group work in the community that makes it natural for you to meet and get to know them.

And most Thursdays at 7 PM Central Time there’s another group call, without me, led by other members of the community to recap, chat, dive deeper into the ideas discussed on Monday, and help each other out. You don’t have to be at one to attend the other. They’re both awesome and helpful. Join what works for you.

And then there’s also a course included. I created a course on the fundamentals of human progress based on the short book I wrote on the same subject. This goes more in depth with explanations and exercises.

There’s a bunch of chat rooms. More people joining regularly. And more features being added as we go.

As I said at the beginning. It’s helping. It works. And that’s something I’m really happy about. So come join. Or you’re a silly goose.
